Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Research Design and Methodology Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Design and Methodology - Research Paper Example After reviewing literature, the research design that will guide the investigation will be identified. In this particular case, the design that will be used for this research would be the analysis of secondary data. This is because for this kind of research design, there are very few research ethics that are involved. The main source of data in this research would be the internet and other library resources would supplement it. After selecting the research design, the next process would be collection of required data from their sources. Data sources for this particular research will be scholarly books, peer reviewed journals, published research papers, information from nonprofit organizations, and information from government agencies. This information would be obtained either from the library or internet sources. Since the sources of information are many and wide, it is necessary to select a sample. A sample is a portion of the sampling frame used in a research because of impracticability of using every item in the sampling frame (Buglear, 2012). Therefore, before starting the process of data collection, a sample of sources of information would be identified. In this particular research, the sampling frame consists of all sources of information that could provide data related to this research topic. After collecting the data, the next step to be undertaken would be data processing. According to Babbie (201 0), data processing methods available for qualitative research are coding, writing memos, and mapping concepts graphically. These are the methods of data processing that would be used for this research. After the data processing, the research conclusion will be drawn from the analyzed and interpreted data. The data collected in this particular case would represent the variables identified for this particular research topic. Data collected in this research will be qualitative and non-numerical. This is why it would be processed and

Monday, February 10, 2020

Micro-environmental Factors of a Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Micro-environmental Factors of a Company - Essay Example Infosys is a large and developing company in information technology and consulting services and is now considered as one of the foremost technology companies of the world. Its rapid growth, innovative approach and corporate governance practices have attracted worldwide attention. Infosys started its operations in India in 1981 in a small way when a few technocrats joined hands and set up the company. Its phenomenal growth occurred after the government of India adopted economic liberalization in 1991. Presently Infosys employs over 100,000 people, operates virtually in all the major economies of the world and has revenues in excess of US$ 4.66 Billion (Annual Report, 2008-09). It offers software services in product engineering, reengineering, consulting, application and maintenance, business process outsourcing as well as independent testing and verification services. It clients span many sectors of industry and its services to banking, insurance and financial industry are some of its core activities – all executed in a pioneering way called the global delivery model (GDM), which according to their website, â€Å"†¦is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, w ith the least amount of acceptable risk† (Infosys, 2009). This innovative approach gave birth to the concepts of off-shoring and outsourcing. Other major global and Indian software companies like Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, TCS, and WIPRO are the main competitors for Infosys in India and abroad.