Sunday, December 29, 2019

Platos Allegory of the Cave - Its Importance in Todays...

Platos Allegory of the Cave - Its Importance in Todays World Our society so values education that sociologists have recognized the problem of over-education (Hadjicostandi). Many people are spending years pursuing degrees which they simply do not need for the jobs they perform. It is therefore prudent for students to question whether pursuing a liberal education is really as important as our society believes. What is the point of a college education? Does it have any purpose beyond its material benefits. Are these benefits worth their cost? These are important questions that need answering. In the end, we may see that there is far more to this debate than simple accounting. Perhaps what makes education worth pursuing is that it†¦show more content†¦Their captivity would distort their view of reality. Plato further asks what would happen if some of these prisoners were suddenly released and led from the cave. They would become wise to the ways of the world and with time would be able to contemplate [the sun] as he is (251). They would realize that everything they had formerly loved was either a lie or insignificant, and they would realize just how little they knew during their imprisonment. In the allegory, the sun represents truth, we are the prisoners, and the prison of the cave is all that we can perceive (Plato, 252). Plato says that so long as we are enthralled by what we can see and taste and touch, we will never be able to even consider abstract ideas like justice and love. If, however, we shake the bonds which our senses have placed upon us, we can arrive at a higher stage of enlightenment than we could have imagined possible during our imprisonment (Platos Allegory of the Cave). We should, at this point, pause to define some terms. Plato talks much about enlightenment, but what is this? It can be defined as the state in which an individual comprehends the truth about a particular subject. Whether or not one agrees with Plato that human beings possess the knowledge of all truth prior to birth, one must agree that by the time children reach the age at whichShow MoreRelatedThe Golden Age Of Greek Philosophy947 Words   |  4 PagesHumanism what does it mean in today’s society? Its simply a system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems. The Golden Age of Greek philosophy is the antecedents of humanism. It is nothing like todays humanism but has the same characteristics. Society’s in the Greek world had become increasinglyRead MoreThe Impor tance Of Education In Education1841 Words   |  8 Pagesidea that with education comes freedom. But at times, the universal American K-12 education doesn’t grant these forms of freedom for its Black and Brown students. This is primarily due to the fact that minority students are not being taught the importance of education in the pursuit of intellectual, economic, and professional freedom. Black students, especially in low-income communities, are still struggling to develop the skills necessary to succeed in society. The education system needs to better

Friday, December 20, 2019

Leadership And Leadership Of Public Administration

Leadership in public administration is the art of inspiring others to do the right thing, at the right time, for the benefit of the whole. The very word â€Å"leader† implies there is someone present with potential to follow and a direction to move. The four articles referenced tie closely to our course text through examination of several leadership theories, then turning primary focus to qualities inherent to successful leadership. This paper will focus on transformational leadership theory. We will highlight the elements necessary for public agency leader to move their organization forward on its mission toward excellent service while maximizing positive motivation for their employees. Along the way, we’ll conclude many of the elements are already in our toolbox, we just may need to employ them in a different context to ensure successful leadership. First, we’ll define transformational leadership in public organizations as the art of engaging and motivating subordinates, to change the internal culture from a self-interested individual goals approach to a framework of public service oriented values (Paarlberg, 2010, pp. 711). Although often used interchangeably, it is imperative to note leadership and management are not true similes. Management universally includes delegated, formal power by position- thus requiring submission of someone lower in organizational hierarchy. Whereas leadership can incorporate formal aspects or power; its success remains far more dependentShow MoreRelatedPersonal Philosophy Of Public Administration And Public Leadership1568 Words   |  7 PagesI. Personal Philosophy of Public Administration and Public Leadership In order to effectively lead and manage in the public sector, an individual must have an understanding of the public sector, in comparison to the private sector. 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The Journal of Public Administration, 88(3), 706-725 In this paper I have summarized the article and offer comments on where additional research would assist in further understanding of the issue. The authors of this article used retrospective review which uses existing data and researches. Leadership style and crisis management have always been the mainRead MoreComparing Leadership Styles: Eisenhower and Kennedy908 Words   |  4 Pagesthat presidential leadership would necessarily have to transform yet again to meet a new era; nowhere could two different styles of leadership to meet the age be seen than in the Cold War administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pay It Forward free essay sample

The movie, â€Å"Pay it Forward,† is an inspiring tale about a young boy, Trevor McKinney, who accepts a challenge given to him by a teacher at school and sets out to change the world. He comes across many obstacles along the way, but with perseverance and bravery, he ultimately succeeds in creating a movement that becomes the first step in helping make the world better. Trevor’s world-changing idea is to do favors for three people, and in return, ask them to do favors for three other people each. This is the idea of â€Å"paying it forward. † When Trevor first introduces this plan, many people dismiss it because of its great naivety and simplicity. In today’s time, mankind has fallen so deep into sin that often times we forget how easy it is to serve others and do good deeds. Trevor’s idea is not a failure, but instead, people fail to see the greatness in it because it sounds so easy; one would only imagine that it would take much more than people doing a few favors to suddenly improve the world. As we talked I could see her stress levels rise; I made her aware of various government and state resources that I was certain she would qualify for. The mother began to tell me that she has applied for those resources but has never heard anything back from the agency; I gave her my number and told her to give me a call and I would do my best to advocate for her. I then bought her groceries and told her not to worry about it. Part of my job at Partners in Housing is to help advocate for individuals who need specific resources but are not certain how to go about applying for them; the woman called the next day and I began the process of advocating for her. When I checked up on her, I found out she had received food assistance, job assistance and housing assistance. Altruism, Social Responsibility and Codependency When performing an act of kindness, one must be careful in which how he or she performs the act and how often he or she gives aid to an individual. Some individuals can become or already are codependent and heavily rely on others to provide for them in one manner or another (emotional, financial, food or habitual). I have had a five year experience with an individual who was completely codependent; this individual was a friend of mine and her codependency cost us our friendship. No matter how often I helped her or in what ways I helped her, it seemed as if it was never enough and that she would â€Å"dig† herself deeper into trouble. Eventually, I had to distance myself from her, and told her she needed to learn how to problem solve for herself; she became angry with me and our friendship ended. Codependent individuals have difficulty problem solving for themselves, being alone, or being self sufficient in general; this is due to many factors which include mental instability, not developing the appropriate skills to become self sufficient, and the consistency of others always providing for them. Whether an act of kindness is altruistic has been a topic of debate for years and more so now. Random acts of kindness have the potential to reward the individual giving as well as the individual receiving; so long as the act of kindness does not become obligatory or overwhelming, it can enrich the lives of the individuals involved. Research has found that â€Å"†¦acts of kindness-especially spontaneous†¦can boost happiness in the person doing the good deed. Granted, not all acts of random kindness are altruistic; however, this does not necessarily mean they are selfish either. Random acts of kindness may be performed by individuals with altruistic intentions who are also satisfying (whether they know it or not) a deeper psychological need; for example, I helped the woman in the grocery store not only because I was deeply concerned for the welfare of her and her family, but because I know what it is like to be in that particular situation with no help or access to resources. On the other hand, an individual can perform a random act of kindness that is seemingly altruistic, but is only doing so to benefit from the act; the price of the act is generally more than the individual receiving can afford. The individual performing the act may want money, or sexual favors; however, this is a worst case scenario. I cannot completely say that every act of random kindness performed is altruistic (the act usually benefits both parties in some manner or another); however, I can say that most acts of random kindness I have seen performed have altruistic intensions (the individual may not realize he or she is satisfying a psychological need). So long as the act of kindness is not damaging and is performed to help another individual; then it may not be of importance if the individual believes it to be altruistic. I believe individuals should have a social responsibility to work together and help one another to help make cohabitation possible; unfortunately, there are few individuals who perform acts of kindness due to the â€Å"dog eat dog† society we live in. Everyone is always on the go and with today’s economic downfall, individuals are more concerned with their own families and selves to stop and help others. Conclusion A random act of kindness does not need to be one of bravado or show; it does not need to involve monetary means or gain. A random act of kindness can be simple; helping someone carry groceries, asking if an individual who looks in distress is okay or simply asking an individual how his or her day is going (especially in our society where people are quick to â€Å"flip the bird,† but not to say hello). Altruism should definitely be a guideline when performing a random act of kindness; but the act does not need to be completely altruistic. If making an individual happy for a moment or a day brightens your day, then the act has a positive impact on both parties involved; however, if the act has no basis of altruism, then it can have a negative impact on one or both parties. Remember that acts of random kindness must not be obligatory or overwhelming; this can make the individual not want to help anymore. It is best when the act is rewarding and satisfying to both parties involved.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Film Summary Crash Essay Example For Students

Film Summary Crash Essay In the crime-drama film, Crash, several stories of social injustice are portrayed negatively across the city Los Angeles, California. The film discusses the issue of racism towards both individuals and oppressed groups. These character stories: a racist white police officer, a black detective, his brother and a gang member; a rich white business man and his wife, a Persian family that owns a convenience store; a black TV producer and wife; a Hispanic locksmith and daughter all suffer from discrimination based on their race and ethnicity. Crash captures the realism of these situations happening on a day-to-day basis and the struggle for people to decide what is right and wrong for themselves. The conflict throughout the film is brought in by the characters mind set on certain stereotypes for certain races. John Ryan (Matt Dillon), the white LVPD police officer calls the local clinic to find he is speaking to a black women when she answers the phone as Shaniqua Johnson. In seconds John replies, oh big fu*king surprise that is ? making an assumption based on a stereotype of her name and hangs up. When John visits the clinic in person and is greeted by Shaniqua, he is refused the help he needs and continues to insult her. This, however is a case where the victim has more power over the victimizer, which is uncommon. The other case happens more frequently in the movie. The Persian immigrant family has a broken lock and door on their store so they call the Hispanic locksmith for repairs. The locksmith switches the lock and tells the owner the door has to be changed in order for it to lock to work, creating an argument between the two. The next day the store is broken into and the Persian owner is left blaming the locksmith that he broken in, based on his race, not the facts. Over and over unfair stereotypes are engraved on groups negatively that only result in conflict. Crash also demonstrates that if stereotypes are created it may be more reason for some people to follow them. Just before two black gang members steal a couples SUV, they look to each other as the wife clings on to her husband while they walk by Look around you, you couldnt find a whiter, a safer, better lit part of this city right now, but yet this white woman sees two black guys that look like UCLA students strolling down the sidewalk and the reaction is blind fear. ? From the ladys perspective, it is obvious she is scared of the two men, but later in the movie she mentions she did not intentionally mean to be racist. Does this make stereotypes a part of the way we behave and live life? There is no instance where racism portrays a positive outcome. Whether it is towards someone, or against you, the effects are all prejudice. Paul includes an example where the Hispanic locksmiths family being almost broken apart because of the convenience store owners discrimination. The owner assumed the locksmith was the one to break into his store and threatened to kill him family soon after. Or when one of the black gang members hitched a ride with a white man. The black man wanted to show him something in his pocket and before he even had the chance the white man pulled a gun and shot him. This ultimately shows that he assumed the worst in this man when all he wanted to share with him was a keychain he saw as good luck charm that resulted with his life was taken. Finally Crash includes how racial discrimination can be ended. When Jean (Sandra Bullock) the rich wife falls down the stairs, unable to get up, she calls her best friend to come over. Her supposed best friend ? though chooses to get a massage instead of come help. Jean instead called her Mexican maid, Maria whom she treats unfairly all the time. Maria then takes care of her bringing Jean to an epiphany that her only true friend is Maria. .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 , .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .postImageUrl , .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 , .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:hover , .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:visited , .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:active { border:0!important; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:active , .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93 .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udfca7d9b415ab0a03e8e626c9f215f93:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Animated television series EssayIn conclusion, the film Crash provides a strong message of the situations racial discrimination portrays in society daily. The stereotypes people have enforced, are now a part of life, whether its intentional or not. What makes the movies message more powerful and persuasive than others is that Haggis leads the audience to choose what they truthfully believe is the right versus wrong rather than just tell you what is. Altogether, Crash demonstrates the realism of social injustice throughout our societies by racial and ethnicity discrimination.