Friday, December 20, 2019

Leadership And Leadership Of Public Administration

Leadership in public administration is the art of inspiring others to do the right thing, at the right time, for the benefit of the whole. The very word â€Å"leader† implies there is someone present with potential to follow and a direction to move. The four articles referenced tie closely to our course text through examination of several leadership theories, then turning primary focus to qualities inherent to successful leadership. This paper will focus on transformational leadership theory. We will highlight the elements necessary for public agency leader to move their organization forward on its mission toward excellent service while maximizing positive motivation for their employees. Along the way, we’ll conclude many of the elements are already in our toolbox, we just may need to employ them in a different context to ensure successful leadership. First, we’ll define transformational leadership in public organizations as the art of engaging and motivating subordinates, to change the internal culture from a self-interested individual goals approach to a framework of public service oriented values (Paarlberg, 2010, pp. 711). Although often used interchangeably, it is imperative to note leadership and management are not true similes. Management universally includes delegated, formal power by position- thus requiring submission of someone lower in organizational hierarchy. Whereas leadership can incorporate formal aspects or power; its success remains far more dependentShow MoreRelatedPersonal Philosophy Of Public Administration And Public Leadership1568 Words   |  7 PagesI. Personal Philosophy of Public Administration and Public Leadership In order to effectively lead and manage in the public sector, an individual must have an understanding of the public sector, in comparison to the private sector. 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