Wednesday, May 6, 2020

No Child Left Alive A Critique of No Child Left Behind...

No Child Left Alive No child left behind does nothing but dishearten the students who are proving to be ahead of the average student from wanting to improve. While the struggling students are simply carried from one grade to the next. The No Child Left Behind Act is great in theory but is too heavily reliant on standardized tests and percentages and not enough about what the students actually learn. Being a survivor of NCLB I have had firsthand experience with this topic and from an above average students point of view it really deterred me from wanting to push myself further and eventually lead to me falling into the average category as my high school career came to an end. Teachers and students treat education with the idea of â€Å"just†¦show more content†¦The federal government found a need to get involved with the educational system putting an emphasizing on math and science to help further advance our technologies. The government did that with the passage of the Ele mentary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in 1965. The ESEA was part of President Lyndon B. Johnsons â€Å"War on Poverty† and the first part of the program allocated funds to primary and secondary schools. The second part of the Act aimed to created equal availability of education to all with no discrimination and to create higher quality of learning. Another contributing factor that later laid the ground work for NCLB to follow was the Texas Educational Accountability System enacted during the 1980’s. This was the first time the use of standardized tests were used to evaluate teachers and keep them accountable for how their students preformed. This Act came from President George Bush’s home state when he was governor and he later used these ideas to create No Child Left Behind with the help of his Secretary of Education, Margaret spellings. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is just an extension of the ESEA of 1965. NCLB was passed by the House of Representatives and Senate almost unanimously and signed into effect January 8th 2002 by President George W. Bush. The Act is the first time in the history of the federal government’s association withShow MoreRelatedEssay on Monsters Inc810 Words   |  4 Pagesthat, if activated, allows the monsters to enter the child’s room through the youngster’s closet. The scream produced by the child creates energy for the monster world, so that monsters can do everyday things, such as quickly turning on a light or vacuuming the carpet. However, this is not an easy job because children are extremely toxic to monsters (who tremble when a child is near), and are also becoming increasingly hard to scare. With lessoned screams, Monstropolis (the monsters’ world) is experiencingRead MoreKingsolver s The Bean Trees1443 Words   |  6 PagesBarbara Kingsolver once said, â€Å"Good fiction creates empathy. 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