Friday, October 11, 2019

An Evaluation of the Article: Why Looks Are the Last Bastion of Discrim

In today’s job market, there are many reasons an individual could be turned down for employment. According to Deborah Rhodes, author of â€Å"Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination†, appearance should not be one of them. Rhodes is a law professor at Stanford and holder of numerous titles for her outstanding work in legal matters. She is also the author and co-author of over 250 articles (Directory). In this article, she addresses an issue with profound impact on today’s society. She proposes that appearance discrimination should be included in anti-discrimination laws in addition to what is already accepted and legalized in today’s workplace. While it is a seemingly â€Å"silly† concern, it is actually quite valid. There has been many a concern over discrimination. That is, discrimination based on race, color, gender, and others of a similar nature in the work environment. Mainly, the article focuses on the injustices people have encountered in a work environment. Rhodes appeals to her audience as everyday â€Å"average† people who identify with the plight of another. Although she makes a compelling argument referencing studies and personal stories of people this has happened to, there are flaws in her argument that could discredit the validity of her reasoning. The logic in her article highly finds favor with the general working public. It is both consistent and appropriate. However, it is not complete, nor fully believable. I will discuss the following in the next paragraphs. Her use of research and anecdotes are mostly one-sided and while it brings valid points for the workers, fail to portray opposing views on the issue, that of the employer. She also neglects to further explore and compare the validity of this claim against wel..." Fox News. 05 Apr. 2012. FOX News Network. 31 Mar. 2014 . "Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices." Prohibited Practices. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 30 Mar. 2014 . Rhodes, Deborah L. "Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination." Washington Post. 23 May 2010. The Washington Post. 26 Mar. 2014 . Thompson, Krissah. "Michelle Obama invokes U.S. civil rights movement in China visit." Washington Post. 24 Mar. 2014. The Washington Post. 25 Mar. 2014 .

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