Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The nature of the disciplinary code in UAE Law Research Proposal

The nature of the disciplinary code in UAE Law - Research Proposal Example Qualitative methods of investigation will be used to gather data from employees and employers of various companies. This method will apply questionnaires designed for 500 responded with both closed and open ended questionnaires to come up with relevant data. It’s finally concluded that the UAE is very effective in addressing labor laws since its enactment. Introduction The purpose of this study is to establish the nature of the disciplinary code as entrenched within the Labor Laws of the UAE. Labor laws in the United Arab Emirates are governed by the federal law number eight of 1980 and it regulates all aspects of labor relations between employees and the employers (Abudhabi, 2013). It’s an advanced law that clarifies the rights and duties of all concerned parties hence benefiting both the employers and employees resulting to fewer conflicts. The labor law developed in 1980 and has been amended several times to keep it touch with the demands and realities of the dynamic world. Among the issues outlined in the labor laws include working hours, holidays, leaves, compensation, employment contracts, and disciplinary rules among others. The disciplinary code addresses part of the Labor Laws that addresses issues related to warnings, fines, and suspension from work and termination of service among others. Since the disciplinary code is vital in shaping work relationships between the employer and the employee, it’s important to establish how effective it is in addressing work related issues. The study will establish the strengths and weaknesses embedded within the disciplinary code hence providing avenues for future amendments when deemed necessary. Literature review Labour law in UAE This is a federal legislation applicable to all emirate members regardless of whether they are UAE residents or emigrants, however, with a few exemptions (U.A.E Labor Law, 2011). Those discharged from the applicability of this law include the agricultural employees, domestic servants, members of the armed forces and the police, and the staff and workers of centralized government sectors of the emirates. In addition (Al Tamini, 2011), Labor Laws cover all aspects of regarding the employer and employee relations including contracts, restrictions on employment of juveniles and women, leave rules, working hours, medical and social care, just but to mention a few . The Labor Law demands that for any employment of the expatriate, an application must be made to the ministry of labor and the ministry has the mandate to approve such application or to disapprove it. Expatriates over the 18 years age can seek short term work permits valid for 60 days and can be renewed up to five times, as long as the renewal is done before the expiry date of the work permit (Barber & Harris, 2011). Such employment has a validity of three years subject to renewal for the same period by the same ministry with no subscription to minimum wage as such is agreed by the concern ed parties. Juveniles under the age of 15 are banned from employment under the UAE Law, but those between the ages of 15 to 18 are allowed to work as long as they receive teenage work permit from the ministry. The employment of women is restricted between 10pm and 7am and they should also not be employed to perform difficult task. The working hours for adult employee are 8 hours a day

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