Friday, October 4, 2019

Change and Innovation Essay Example for Free

Change and Innovation Essay The Governor of a certain Province has been plagued by problems on low-productivity turnout and project implementation troubles that delay project completion and reduce effective delivery of services to its constituents. This has also been voiced by the previous administration, so to correct this possible relapse a thorough revamp of the department has to be implemented. Top priority of his agenda was to hire an Architect who will lead the department concerned and enforce the required change to provide the dynamics of a vibrant administration that puts premium on the welfare of its constituents. The Scenario  Checking on the management system that has been in effect, the Architect found different flaws; the staff has been underachieving because the work assigned to each of them did not correspond with their degree of expertise; the planning division was in disarray because nobody could stand-up to make vital decisions; the system lacked incentives, that’s why most personnel go to work late and leave early. Besides taking long time breaks; various paper works do not follow a regular pattern. Thus, orders suffer delay and even payrolls are not processed on time (American Society of Associates Executive 2003). Various suppliers secure materials ordered at a central warehouse and department inspectors check the deliveries made. Said process takes too long that payments were seldom prompt. Project engineers were required to withdraw and deliver to the site the necessary materials when implementing projects; a system that entails double handling of materials and added fuel cost. Personnel in the field failed to follow proper time management because implementing engineers seldom reported to the site. The equipment pool lacked proper assessment while many endured long use but did not undergo timely maintenance. Equipment cannot be dispatched on time so that project engineers had to wait, even during critical junctions of the construction process. No schedules were ever followed over the use of equipment while only those favored have the liberty of priority accommodation. And lastly, the engineer’s capabilities were in question for many appear to lack construction experience that made the reliability of finished projects doubtful. The Revamp Upon assumption of office, the Architect made a thorough evaluation of each employee’s capabilities and then proper segregation of divisions was put in effect. The administration handled time management; to see to it that personnel report on time; that break time rules are implemented; that tardiness and absenteeism are dealt with corresponding penalties and that proper decorum is observed at all times (Time Management 2007). A working set-up was also devised to speed-up processing of documents to avoid unnecessary delays in the discharge of work orders, payment vouchers, travel orders, equipment requests and the approval of payroll requests. A division head is made answerable directly to the Architect for this matter. The planning division was also initiated with personnel divided into functional units. The design sector aims to conceive the projects requested by the Governor. Once designs are approved, the drafting section takes over in coordination with the structural section, sanitary section, electrical section and mechanical section, if required. And when plans are completed, some are tasked to work on the specifications, program of work, PERT CPM, a bar chart and bidding documents while others prepare the plans for printing. All of these are reviewed and approved by the architect prior to submission to the governor and implementation. Likewise the equipment section also had its share in the revamp. The designated head has to account for all equipment in its arsenal. Segregate those in good and running condition, equipment that needs minor repairs, equipment that has to be totally overhauled and equipment that has to be discarded. The section also prepares a list of equipment that has to be purchased and submitted as essential, and sees to it that all project engineers have access to equipment when required. A proper equipment release and return scheme should be devised to make erring personnel accountable for their action. The division that needed priority reorganization was the project implementation division. The architect ordered that project engineers undergo construction reorientation training before they can be dispatched to construction sites. This is the most important aspect of the revamp because failure of the project engineers will affect the safety of individuals that will benefit and use the finished project. This also is an assurance that the Province adheres to the safety rules and regulation required by the â€Å"National Building Code† (Wikipedia Contributors 2007c). Besides those in Government cannot afford to waste public funds by doing sub-standard projects. An additional section was organized to monitor all projects in the field daily with reports of the previous day handed in the morning prior to their sorties during the day. This way, the Architect is always abridged of proper project evaluation as well as construction accomplishments while related problems are resolved immediately. This also serves to entice field personnel to report on time and render the 8 hours work required daily and project engineers to be around to lend their technical know-how in the implementation of the project. Another aspect that the Architect revised is the delivery of materials. Since materials are requested per project subject for implementation, winning materials dealers are now required to deliver direct to the site, to save on double handling expenses. Materials after due inspection are turned over to the project engineer concerned, who will be accountable should anything happen to the materials out of his negligence. The Architect relied heavily on the management system of delegation of authority, to give all those involved personnel professional advancement (Delegation of Authority 2006). If a person delivers on the target expected, naturally incentives are provided to keep the momentum always in high gear. Underachievers are likewise given time to recoup and reconsider the causes of his debacle and when really inefficient are given the release order. We have to weed out the bad apples from the good, so only the reliable ones should remain. Risks  In any new endeavor there will always be adverse effects, whether pros and cons, depending upon the degree any change would affect individuals. In our case, the long exposure to a system that has been redundant will be a defining factor as to who perceives it to be good and those who are not receptive to a renewed environment. For those assigned to man the administrative division, change implied the systematic division of labor as each one functions relative to others. If one falls short, the whole system becomes ineffective, just like the domino principle in economics (Leeson, P. T. t al 2001). Everybody is required to do his share to keep the workplace humming. The planning division was not affected, since their tasks were clearly defined so that overlapping of functions can be minimized. Respect and trust to the division head is the contributing factor, as everybody relies on his experience and perceived intelligence to answer relevant queries. Of paramount importance is the implementing arm of the division, the project engineers. On their shoulders rests the completion of projects, so re-trainings are vital to the success of the projects (Wikipedia Contributors 2007b). Even if we have monitoring teams to check on their accomplishment, it is their intelligence and experience that will eventually dictate the tempo of their work. All other personnel needed the time to adjust and such will be achieved through mastery and familiarity of the new system. Evaluation of risks All the smart boys will never enter government service, so it is generally perceived that those in government are above average political appointees. And owing to their clout with the powers that be, they are the last segment that would be receptive to change. What makes it even harder is the Civil Service eligibility that protects their tenure even if they become a total recluse in their duties as public servant (Reinventing the State Civil Service 1995). Thus, this realignment is only made in part to appease the timid employees, while putting a lot of pressure to groups that found the revamp more in line with their educational attainment and experience. Those initiating change are always walking in a tightrope for there are eyes and ears that validate your every move, failure to comply will normally get the ire of well placed politicians. In the aftermath of these changes, many employees will need resettlement and the encompassing revamp should put them in positions that they can still function accordingly without having to compromise. It is a fact that change will be a hard pill to swallow for those comfortable with the previous system but it is a necessary evil in order to succeed and attain development goals. Change versus benefits The change instituted may create temporary, minor discomforts to rank and file personnel, but surely the rewards will be for the benefit of the greater majority. Just imagine when projects implemented are not only deemed safe and secure for those countless beneficiaries; but also when construction time is considerably reduced at the least cost to the government. We don’t need change simply to take over from the old guards. We need it to create a more cohesive workforce that can address to the needs of a more restive and demanding society. Government cannot be complacent amid calls for rapid development in the industry, labor and even the protection of the environment. Moreover, only governments can concretize those changes in place. Rating  The revamp that has been implemented should produce a positive rating especially if implemented with private entities. But for a governmental institution, rating should be around 4. These changes should reduce red tape in the bureaucracy; should provide the impetus for employees to perform well. These changes would have a positive effect on the employee’s self-worth; a beacon for those that desire professional advancement and most of all, constituents will benefit from all of these changes. Comment on rating The bureaucratic structure of the government is never 100% receptive to changes. Even if such changes would encompass welfare to a greater majority. Many will always suspect the intentions behind these changes, how honorable it may be. Such will be counter-productive as you dilly-dally to harm your work ethics and your productivity suffers. For these changes to be effective require a thorough reorganization, meaning personnel from rank and file up to the executives are all hired simultaneously. This way, the chief can mould his team to respond swiftly and accurately. Where everybody functions as they should and without due consideration from previous employment. But since this is not possible, we have to make do with what we have and hope that everybody will have a change of heart and do what is necessary. Raising potential The foremost solution is improve conditions at workplace, try to do some assessment and formulate ideas to probably change the decor, the air-conditioning might be too restrictive or your rapport with your employees might be too militaristic that hinders proper communication and limits production output. All factors will have to be considered to make it conducive to workers. Secondly, it is important that as manager, you are readily aware of your employee’s potential. Allow them to attend seminars and training to improve their capabilities and you should be lavish in your praise for a good work done (Practice Management 2006). And always strive to fight for their cause, ask for incentives that would be due to employees that made a dent to improve performance (Management Incentives Program). Communication Being true to your word with a posture of honesty while strict but also compassionate are the traits of a model manager. With these gestures you are communicating with your subordinates a sense of overbearing confidence that should mitigate respect and admiration. You don’t need to raise you voice to relay what you want. A fair handling of the situation can earn for you the trust that each employee needs from you. A good manager is seldom intellectually bright, proof of the matter are generally geeks never become good managers. It is always your emotional front that makes you a good communicator. Although the most reasonable form of communication ever devised is the weekly reporting system – reports are usually handed to the Head of office before the weekly forum starts, this have defined countless establishments and an effective tool even in government (Wikipedia Contributors 2007a).

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